Video tracking

Video tracking
Track video usage with metrics like average time watched, number of finishes, clickseven on external platforms (e.g. Vimeo and YouTube).
Game4Skill is a gamification platform that uses videogame mechanics and dynamics – such as missions, storytelling, scores, badges and rankings – to engage and motivate users.
Fully customizable to meet your needs and engage users in the corporate world: from Continuous Learning to Employee Onboarding, from Brand Awareness to Performance Management Evaluation.
Game4Skill is firmly rooted in the results of EU-funded Research and Development projects, so as to offer a well-tested customizable solution proved to be effective.
With Game4Skill you can use game mechanisms in a simple and flexible way to create an interactive user experience built around your training and change goals.
Define the goals to achieve in the form of missions to carry out.
Some examples of goals that you can achieve with Game4Skill:
Identify the activities that the user must perform to carry out each mission and thus achieve the associated goal.
The activities can be carried out both online by interacting with the platform, and in real life, tracked through external tools.
Set the score to assign to the completion of the activities.
Use cards or choose a visual map to represent the pathway that the user must take to achieve the objective.
You can also associate a story that takes the users along the way to immerse and involve them more in the dynamics of gamification.
Examples of visual maps and associated storytelling:
Track video usage with metrics like average time watched, number of finishes, clickseven on external platforms (e.g. Vimeo and YouTube).
Audience Responsive System to generate engagement and fun during live events, face-to-face activities or webinars.
Enables to create any type of quiz in a simple and intuitive way.
Rules and paths of gamification dynamics are set according to the goals to achieve and the motivational factors to activate.
Rankings by individuals or by groups, and differentiated by country, department etc.
Integrable with existing software systems, such as LMS, CRM, and other proprietary platforms.
Graphic metaphors and narrative techniques help guide and at the same time motivate the users in completing their own path in the platform.
Messages, points, progress bars and visual maps in the gaming experience.
Game4Skill makes the learning experience more captivating and engaging.
Find out moreGame4SKill helps in the pre-selecting candidates by bringing out talents and skills. You can simplify and speed up the search and selection process by increasing the chances of identifying the characteristics you need.
Find out moreGame4SKill facilitates the process of introducing new personnel in companies, making available to newcomers procedures, rules, organization, and products, in an attractive way.
Find out moreGame4SKill transforms the process of personnel performance appraisal into a simpler and more engaging procedure, activating the participation of all stakeholders in the evaluation process.
Find out moreGame4Skill helps motivate, retain, update and monitor the direct and indirect sales networks, increasing revenues and productivity.
Find out moreGame4SKill enhances patients' self-management skills by improving their therapeutic adherence and quality of life. It can be integrated with telemedicine solutions to improve continuity of care and tele-rehabilitation in multiple pathologies.
Find out moreGame4Skill motivates users to adopt virtuous behaviours in the company and in their own community, for example by encouraging the conscious consumption of paper and toner, by supporting the use of Smart Cities services and by promoting their benefits for individuals and the community.
Find out moreGame4SKill helps raise citizens' awareness of correct lifestyles, and promotes their social commitment and active participation.
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